What was the worst thing about seeing Bang Camaro last Friday? The fact that I've still got their hook-laden hard rock anthems stuck in my head the following Tuesday.
The best part? Everything else. Not only did the Boston-based band bring it to Santos Party House last weekend, but they also made sure to bring their entire arsenal of singers with them. Before BC dragged several friends and fans up onstage, there were nine—friggin' NINE—vocalists on stage delivering the goods.
And, if somehow, you were bored despite the fist-pumping hits and plentiful power chords, you could pass the time inventing nicknames for the gallery of singers. Some of the names my companion and I came up with: Meatloaf, Affliction, Jonah Hill, Shamus O'Malley, Lil Bow Wow, Ted Nugent, Chelsea Lately (one dude looked like a frequent panelist on said show), and John Norris.
Further proof of their rock skills below (thanks, Michael!). The only thing that can cure this Bang Camaro loop in my head is a week-long music bender in Austin. SxSW, here I come!
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